Last weekend we finished the showsaison 2012!
VDH-Bundessiegerausstellung Dortmund
Judge: Mgr. Nadezda Stralkova/CZ
Open class:
Excellent 1, VDH-CAC, CAC, CACIB, Bundessieger 2012
The best female and BOB was Aurelie le beau voyou!
Remi and Rely were also Bundessieger 2011 :-))))
With this CACIB Remi fulfilled the conditions for the C.I.E at
the age of
the age of
2 years and 7 months!
Remington got his CACIBs for the C.I.E at following shows:
1. FCI-Europewinner/BOB/Netherlands -Septermber 2011
2. VDH-Bundessieger 2011/BOB/Germany - October 2011
3. FCI-Worldwinner/BOB/Austria - May 2012
4. VDH-Bundessieger/BOS/Germany - October 2012
All pics and copyrights by Dietmar and Anja Pauer!
Thank you Dietmar and Anja