Donnerstag, 15. September 2011

Nationale d´Elevage Reichshoffen 2011

YEEESSSS - He can!!!!!!!!!!!!
But step by step -

Saturday we saw again Remingtons mother - CIB Kennedy Sa Nadina-Sis .
It was nice to see in how much points Remington looks like his mother!

Good night - it was a really nice day with friends and beautyful dogs!

The next day: As a first step Remington graduated from the character test: Result 17 of 20 points! EXCELLENT! I was more than satisfied -

Step 2: Measurement at Monsieur Jacoulot:
Size: 66 cm
Head length 29 cm
Length of muzzle: 13 cm
Chest: 85 cm
Body length: 72 cm

Step 3: Evaluation by Mrs Haapaniemi from Finland - Excellent!
"See you later ..." so she released us from the ring.

In the end ring of the events then took their course!

Remington was attentive, tense and full of beans

 He ran his laps, was re-examined and - he was allowed to remain

 Remington among its competitors as young guy
 Everything went great

 A colleague did not run as fast as it should - we overtook him - Remington watched everything from his eyes. And that was the turning point: "Hi guys - I'm here! Let's have fun - you see me?"
His spirits flag he proudly wore!

 Unfortunately, I was at this moment not cool enough to get Remington down.
We have been sorted out - Cotation 3 - Not selected!
 Perhaps only once did Remington also Lisbeth show the other side of his temperament - full of energy - surprise - and always up for a joke.
Last week in Leeuwarden Lisbeth asked me if Remington would always be balanced? Lisbeth need for a Briard temperament. I agreed and said: "YES, he has temperament!
Yes - he can work!
Yes - he can play!
Yes - he can be funny!
Yes - and he can carry the tail up too!

Lisbeth, I hope you've seen it. Remington need not show it in the show ring again :-)))))

We are so proud and happy with our Remington - with or without Selectet in France!

Thanks to Nada and Kennedy and Tchibo for this nice guy!

Remington, Nada and Kennedy-Sa Nadina-Sis

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